The Wisconsin Chapter is seeking members who have an interest in serving on the Board of Directors.  Three positions are open.

All three (3) positions are for regular three year board terms beginning in January 2025 and running through December 2027.

Board members meet once a month for between one and two hours to plan and direct Chapter activities and establish policies and procedures for Chapter events.  Among other things, the Board is responsible for developing and maintaining a running twelve-month calendar of events and capturing requests from members for activities & events.

Board members DO NOT have to travel to attend board meetings; all meetings are conducted using the Chapter’s GoToMeeting web conferencing software.

Members who sit on the Board of Directors should be willing and able to:

  • Attend a majority of monthly board meetings held throughout the year.
  • Participate in periodic e-mail exchanges to achieve Board & Chapter objectives.
  • Attend Chapter functions throughout the year.
  • Be willing to host or co-host an event.  An event can be as simple as hosting a Drive-2-Dine or as elaborate as planning and hosting a rallye.
  • Be a proactive and positive representative of MBCA and the Wisconsin Chapter

Serving on the board of directors is a great way to meet other members and increase your involvement in the Chapter.  If you are interested in serving on the Board please contact either:

Secretary Dan Hellenberg at spatlese44@yahoo.com or

Bruce Hamilton at bruce.hamilton@cpa.com
